Mavic Pro Landshipping Sunset

Landshipping Sunset

We recently purchased a new Drone and we’re having loads of fun experimenting with it and seeing what it’s capable of. Unfortunately the Welsh wind and rain hasn’t played ball of late and the little drone has only been able to go for evening flights. On the plus side the sunsets have been amazing.

Mavic Pro Landshipping Sunset 2

Landshipping Panoramic

The creek at the bottom of the garden was home to some nautical visitors last weekend… Some friends ventured up river in their catamaran for a weekend adventure. I think you’ll agree the creek looks amazing from 400ft up, especially with a 30ft boat in it for scale.

NOTE: We are still learning and not currently registered to fly commercially. This means that at this moment in time we are not offering aerial work to clients although we do hope to be able to do so in the near future. If you are interested in this type of work please let us know.  If there is a significant demand for aerial photography/videography we can look into providing this in the future.